Volunteer Application Form
Click here if you would prefer to print out out an application form to fill out that can be mailed to The Nashua Historical Society, 5 Abbott Street, Nashua, NH 03064 or emailed to volunteer@nashuahistorical.com.
Note: Our online forms will not work with Internet Explorer, which is no longer supported by Microsoft. We encourage you to use an updated browser, or you can download a pdf form to fill out.
When is the best time for the Society to reach you? (Tuesday to Thursday 9 a.m.to -4p.m.)?
Which number do you prefer we use?
If you are under 18, please provide age
and a parent needs to sign this application
What is your highest level of education?
Are you a member of The Nashua Historical Society?
How did you learn about volunteer opportunities at The Nashua Historical Society?
Please describe any previous volunteer experience including responsibilities and dates.
Please list any skills, hobbies, or training you have that might be of use in volunteering at the Society. Examples – computer skills, scanning, photography, typing, drawing, etc.
Which areas of the Historical Society’s work are of interest to you?
How soon would you be available to begin volunteering?
How many hours do you plan to volunteer?
Are you volunteering to fulfill community service hours?
Emergency Contact Information (in case of emergency)
For security reasons, your application may be submitted for a background check. Do you give The Nashua Historical Society authorization to run a background check:
Please provide the name and contact information for at least two references not related to you.
Your submission has been sent. Please contact us if you do not get a confirmation within 6 business days.