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Edmund M. Keefe Memorial Scholarship

Each year, The Nashua Historical Society awards the Edmund M. Keefe Memorial Scholarship to one or more graduating high school seniors who reside in Nashua.  


 Edmund Keefe’s 101 years were lived mostly in Nashua.  He began a career in education in 1929 by teaching history at the Nashua Senior High School.  In 1945, he became principal of the high school and went on to be the Superintendent of Schools for the City of Nashua in 1958.  After his retirement in 1973, he served eight terms as a State Representative for the City of Nashua. 


 Mr. Keefe was an active volunteer at The Nashua Historical Society.  His favorite volunteer assignment was to escort elementary school students through the museum and explain the exhibits.  He also served on the Board of Directors and at one point as President of the Society.   


 The Society began a scholarship in 1986 and changed its name after Mr. Keefe’s death to honor his commitment to education, to history, and to the Society.


Past Recipients:


2024 Edmund M. Keefe Memorial Scholarship Award recipient was Caitlyn Mamos. Caitlyn graduated from Nashua High School South.  She plans to follow her dream to be an educator.


2023 Edmund M. Keefe Memorial Scholarship Award recipients were Alexis Abreu and Maribel Gutierrez.


Scholarship Application:



  1. Must be a Nashua resident and a graduating high school senior

  2. Must be planning on enrolling in a degree program at an institution of higher education (technical school, college, or university).  It is preferred that the student have an interest in history or a related field.


  1. Applicant must complete the application form below or click here to print out an application form. See **.

  2. Applicant must request their high school transcript of grades be sent to the Society.  See **.

  3. Applicant must provide one letter of recommendation from a school faculty member.  See**.

  4. Deadline for submitting all information is April 28th.  Materials received after that date will not be considered.

  5. Recipients will be notified in May and asked to join us for the Scholarship presentation at our Annual Meeting. 

  6. For Additional Scholarship Information: Contact the Education Committee at (603) 883-0015 or

**The application, transcript, and letter of recommendation can be emailed to or can be mailed or dropped off at The Nashua Historical Society, 5 Abbott Street, Nashua, New Hampshire 03064.  If the Society is closed, there is a mail slot on the front door.   If Nashua schools are closed due to snow, the Society will also be closed.


The Nashua Historical Society
Edmund M. Keefe Memorial Scholarship Application – 2025


**NOTE: Please prepare your answers separately in advance.  You may lose your answers if you navigate away from this screen or refresh the page.


Click here if you would prefer to print out out an application form to fill out and mail it in to us. 

Parent or guardian contact info:

List of notable activities and honors:

Which period of history has interested you most and why?

In 500 words or less, share with us an experience you have had that blends your interest in history with a vision of your future. 

Which clubs or activities have you been involved in that have some focus on history? Please explain and include any volunteer activity. 

List in order of preference the colleges, universities, and/or technical schools to which you have applied.  Please add an asterisk* where you have been accepted.

What will be your declared major/minor?

List any places of employment you have held. 

Sign here to agree that the information on this application as of this date represents our situation correctly:

Click here to upload your letter of reccommendation as a pdf document, or mail it in directly.

Your submission has been sent.  Please contact us if you do not get a confirmation within 4 business days.


5 Abbott Street

Nashua NH, 03064


 Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday

The office is open 9 am to 4 pm

Speare Museum self-guided tours   from 10 am to 3 pm.

Abbot House tours by appointment.


If Nashua schools are closed due to snow, the Society will also be closed. 

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