Each year The Nashua Historical Society awards the Edmund M. Keefe Memorial Scholarship to one or more graduating high school senior who resides in Nashua. In 2023, we were able to award two scholarships.
Congratulations to Alexis Abreu and Maribel Gutierrez!
Edmund Keefe lived to be 101 years old and lived most of his life in Nashua. He began a career in education in 1929 by teaching history at the Nashua Senior High School. In 1945 he became principal of the high school and went on to be the Superintendent of Schools for the City of Nashua in 1958. After his retirement in 1973, he served eight terms as a State Representative for the City of Nashua.
Mr. Keefe was an active volunteer at The Nashua Historical Society. His favorite volunteer assignment was to escort elementary school students through the museum and explain the exhibits. He also served on the Board of Directors and at one point as President of the Society.
The Society began a scholarship in 1986. The name of the scholarship was changed after Mr. Keefe’s death to honor his commitment to education, to history and to the Society.
For Additional Scholarship Information: Contact the Education Committee at (603) 883-0015 or
Scholarship Application:
Must be a Nashua resident and a graduating high school senior.
Must be planning on enrolling in a degree program at an institution of higher education (technical school, college, or university). It is preferred that the student have an interest in history or a related field, but not required.
Applicant must complete the application form below or click here to print out out an application form. The printed form can be mailed or dropped off at The Nashua Historical Society, 5 Abbott Street, Nashua, New Hampshire 03064. If the Society is closed, there is a mail slot on the front door.
Request the high school forward a transcript of grades including class rank, if available.
Provide one letter of recommendation from a school faculty member.
The transcript and letter of recommendation can be emailed to or can be mailed or dropped off at The Nashua Historical Society, 5 Abbott Street, Nashua, New Hampshire 03064. If the Society is closed, there is a mail slot on the front door.
Deadline for submitting all information is Wednesday, May 8, 2024. Materials received after that date will not be considered.
Note: Our online forms will not work with Internet Explorer, which is no longer supported by Microsoft. We encourage you to use an updated browser, or you can download a pdf form to fill out.
Application Deadline Extended to Wednesday, May 8, 2024